In the distant Koprulu Sector of the Milky Way, Facebook’s Zerglings lingered in a restless swarm outside the enemy’s base.
Monthly Archives: October 2017
WiFi mesh networks can detect your breathing
In the world of indoor security systems, motion detection usually relies on cameras or at least dedicated sensors. Both types of solution add to hardware plus installation costs, not to mention that not everyone is comfortable with having cameras pointing at them all the time.
Apple’s iPhone X May Have Started Another Browser War
Ten years ago, Apple released the iPhone and opened Pandora’s box. The iPhone completely up-ended the ways we interacted with the Internet and each other while ushering in a wave of innovative technology and new ideas.
Nasa wants to alter the DNA of Mars astronauts in the 2030s to protect them from cancerous space radiation
Protecting astronauts from cosmic radiation is one of the key challenges facing future missions to Mars, and Nasa believes it may have a solution.
$25 oil is coming, and a new world order along with it, think tanks says
The world as we know it, will be no longer. The balance of power on a global scale will shift. All in the next decade. Sounds dramatic right? But independent think tank RethinkX says it’s be true because of rapid advances in technology, and specifically the advent of self-drive or autonomous cars.
Porsche’s Mission E caught testing alongside Tesla vehicles
Ignore the exhaust tips on the back. Those are just to throw off casual onlookers. According to our friends at Autoblog, there’s a good chance this is the electric car Porsche hopes to throw down against Tesla.
Project Loon cleared to help restore wireless in Puerto Rico
Project Loon — the balloon delivered internet project that started life as part of Google and now calls Alphabet’s X “innovation lab” home — has moved one step closer to becoming a part of the relief efforts in Puerto Rico.
A Five Minute Guide to Better Typography
From a three-part talk series on graphic design. Articles are made of articles. I invite you to read Typography is Impossible and The Punctuation Guide.
Our Yellow Running Man is Ready to Retire
If you were a 90’s kid, chances are there was a point in time when AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) was a huge part of your life. You likely remember the CD, your first screenname, your carefully curated away messages, and how you organized your buddy lists.
Puerto Rico’s governor says ‘let’s talk’ after Elon Musk says Tesla can rebuild the island’s power grid
Tesla Chief Executive Elon Musk said he will speak to Puerto Rico’s governor about helping get the hurricane-hit island’s power grid back online. Last month, Puerto Rico was badly hit by Hurricane Maria.
Netflix is quietly raising its prices
Netflix is squeezing a bit more out of its customers. The company is raising the prices on its standard and premium streaming subscription services. The standard service, which allows customers to stream shows and movies in HD on up to two screens at once, is now priced at $10.
Were US Diplomats in Cuba Victims of a Sonic Attack—or Something Else?
Amazon Is Testing Its Own Delivery Service to Rival FedEx and UPS
Orlando Makes Short List for World Cup Host
The wired brain: How not to talk about an AI-powered future
The way we talk about AI is a mess. It starts with the most obvious, the imagery. Just like stock photos of happy people pointing at whiteboards were a symbol of the modern workplace, wired brains and robots have now come to represent “the AI”.
Zucktown, USA
Earlier this year in Silicon Valley, a phalanx of six-figure-earning Facebook engineers confronted Mark Zuckerberg about subsidizing their extortionate rents.
Now anyone can explore machine learning, no coding required
From helping you find your favorite dog photos, to helping farmers in Japan sort cucumbers, machine learning is changing the way people use code to solve problems.
Apple testing Google DoubleClick ad serving in News app, report says
A report this week claims Apple is allowing select publishers to insert ads from Google’s DoubleClick For Publishers into News app pages, an unexpected strategy shift that could lead to better monetization options for the iOS content aggregator.
Apple is exclusive retailer of ‘Parker,’ world’s first AR teddy bear
Children’s toy startup Seedling on Tuesday launched Parker the Bear, an Apple store exclusive plush teddy bear that comes to life through iOS augmented reality effects.
Physicists Confirm That We’re Not Living In a Computer Simulation
Scientists have discovered that it’s impossible to model the physics of our universe on even the biggest computer. What that means is that we’re probably not living in a computer simulation.