Hit film Baby Driver was cut essentially in real time on set on a MacBook Pro, cutting way back on the need for expensive post-primary photography re-shoots.
Monthly Archives: July 2017
Amazon’s next Echo speaker will reportedly focus on audio
Amazon is working on an updated version of its Echo speaker which will primarily focus on audio quality, Engadget reports. The new Echo will allegedly be shorter and slimmer than the original, “almost as if it were three or four Echo Dots stacked on top of each other,” the report says.
Here’s a sneak peek of what Disney’s Star Wars Land will look like
This weekend is Disney’s D23 expo, where the company often unveils the first glimpses into what it has in store for the years ahead. Our own Editor-and-Disney-aficionado-in-Chief Matthew Panzarino is down in LA for the event’s early access press day.
Bitcoin study: Period of exclusivity encourages early adopters
Giving early adopters the first access to new technologies can help diffuse those technologies among the masses. A notable example is Google’s rollout of Gmail: In 2004, about 1,000 select users were given exclusive access and told to invite others.
‘Living Drug’ That Fights Cancer By Harnessing Immune System Clears Key Hurdle
A Food and Drug Administration advisory committee unanimously recommended that the agency approve this “living drug” approach for children and young adults who are fighting a common form of leukemia. The agency doesn’t have to follow the committee’s recommendation but usually does.
The Pop-Up Employer: Build a Team, Do the Job, Say Goodbye
At first glance, the organization chart for the maker of True Story, a card game and mobile app in which players trade stories from their daily lives, resembled that of any company.
Water bears may be the last species alive when the sun dies
We often talk about whether human beings can survive a cataclysmic space event, such as a large asteroid hitting the Earth. But even if we’re wiped out, other life will go on.
A Google search is all you need to schedule a haircut
Reserve with Google is going wide. What started as a test run last December, opened to the rest of the country in March and now, in addition to workout classes, you can book a spa day and a haircut too.
You Might Actually Love This iPod Shuffle for Spotify
Streaming killed the music gadget years ago. Just up and drove a stake through its silicon heart as listeners traded 99-cent song downloads for $10 monthly subscriptions to all-you-can-listen services. OK, maybe you have some Baby Driver-induced nostalgia for an iPod.
Welcome to Our Startup Where Everyone is 23 Years Old Because We Believe Old People Are Visually Displeasing and Out of Ideas
Hello, and welcome to our startup. We hope you’re enjoying your complimentary snifter of vaporized coconut water. Once you’re done, please place the glass into one of the blue receptacles around the office, which will send the glass to be washed and dried.
The end of the internet startup
Silicon Valley is supposed to be a place where a couple of guys in a garage or a dorm room can start companies that change the world. It happened with Apple and Microsoft in the 1970s, AOL in the 1980s, Amazon, Yahoo, and Google in the 1990s, and Facebook in the 2000s.
Life Is About to Get a Whole Lot Harder for Websites Without HTTPS
In case you haven’t noticed, we’re on a rapid march towards a “secure by default” web when it comes to protecting traffic. For example, back in Feb this year, 20% of the Alexa Top 1 Million sites were forcing the secure scheme:
The mobile web is awful, and everyone’s to blame
At work today, we were discussing the future direction of the website and app. A concern was raised that, without a clear mandate, the website would “continue to be a great desktop version, and a much poorer version of the app.” As the front end lead, that stung.
We do plan to do something about it at least. We got in contact with https://the-indexer.com/, who in turn got is in contact with an agency. In that agency we were assigned to some very experienced pros that will be helping us to update the mobile site so that we will no longer have this issue. It’s gonna be great! I wish we knew about them earlier to be honest. We should’ve done a bit more research.
Downtown South Now a Testing Ground for Community Design
In 2015 we told you Complete Streets was coming to Orlando and that SODO was the first district to get the treatment. It’s finally taking shape in the form of Our Sodo. This new series of inter-related visioning and planning efforts kicked off May 31st.
Windows Phone dies today
Microsoft is killing off Windows Phone 8.1 support today, more than three years after the company first introduced the update. The end of support marks an end to the Windows Phone era, and the millions of devices still running the operating system.
Jeffrey Grubb on Twitter
I just worry that people are forgetting what Prime day is really about and who died to make it possible.
Volvo brings Apple’s CarPlay to new VNL semi trucks
Volvo on Tuesday launched its new VNL line of semi trucks, which in upgraded configurations support Apple’s CarPlay standard, bridging iPhones with dash displays.
Amabrush: The hands-free toothbrush that cleans your teeth in just 10 seconds
The world’s first hands-free toothbrush that takes just 10 seconds to clean teeth could save people hours in the bathroom every year, its inventor claims.
What football will look like in the future
It’s clear that the sport of football needs to change. And the $64,000 question, my friends, is simple: “how?” Something is terribly wrong. The writing’s on the wall: youth participation in the sport is down, thanks in large part to their parents’ concern for their health.